Monday, 24 August 2009

And it's surely to their credit...

So, what kind of day has it been?

Just another ordinary day at the office, I guess...

Ha! What's an ordinary day? Don't think I've seen one of those in a while.

It has, in fact, been a bit surreal, what with the key rings and the Gilbert and Sullivan and all.

And I gotta say, I'm not crazy about this Ainsley Hayes, even if she does sound like a hoot and I find it very entertaining watching Sam coming over all heroic.

Next thing, people will be saying she looks like me but with longer legs. And I'm not happy about that. Still, at least I have this going for me: cut me and I bleed Democrat blood. Although even I have to admit there do seem to be a fair few attractive Republican men around. Hmmm... Now there's a point worth pondering. Forbidden fruit and all that. If it works for Ainsley Hayes...

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