Saturday, 20 February 2010


Tonight was fun. And that chili was the best it's been in a long time -not so much cumin. Maybe a little oregano. But hey, I'm no expert.
Wonder what that important NSC meeting was about, and why he won't tell me.

I hate not knowing things.

Like, why hasn't Donald called? We had a good night, right? And I only talked a little about my job. I think.

And where does Josh get the whole gomer thing from?

Plus, the eternal question... how do people die from vending machines?!

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Financial disclosure

You know what I love about Mandy? The fact I'm no longer the only one fighting a losing battle trying to keep Josh humble. It does make me smile when he gets shouted at.

I worry when he wanders off like that, though. Wonder where he was going. Not to do anything stupid, I hope. Sigh. I can't protect him from himself forever. Or ever, really.

Still, he did good today. The VP may have taken the credit but I wouldn't be surprised if Josh had done most of the leg work. Maybe the tough guy act with the sunglasses... It's actually quite disturbing how attractive I find that.

Bet he looks good in that expensive tux too...

Monday, 15 February 2010

I want a raise

Wow. We sure could use a little light relief at work.

(No wonder we cling to what crumbs of gossip we can gather up from under the cafeteria tables. I’d kill to know what Sam’s been up to...)

Know what else I could use? That raise. Why does he think I’m kidding around with that? I’m not sure I’m paid enough to be barked at all day about wanting a salad then not wanting a salad. (Which was a bit of a relief – I thought for one minute that perhaps he had suffered a blow to the head, or something.) Then wanting water right now. Then my supposed inability to spell. Of course I can spell. Like he’s infallible anyway.


I shall from now on make damn sure he always has something to do.

Though I gotta say, I’m glad he had the time for Charlie. The big brother role suits Josh; However much I may rail against him sometimes (okay, every day), he’s a fundamentally good guy after all. There, I’ve said it, and now I never need to say it again. Also, his gut instincts are often not as way off as I like to imply. (Someone has to keep his ego in check. And since I’m already so far beyond the call of duty.... Which brings me back to my point about my raise.)

You know what, though? Josh is right about one thing (and only one): this feeling, the one Charlie talked about, it doesn’t go away. And that, in the end, is why I’ll stay, despite the pathetic salary – for all eight years, maybe longer, obnoxious boss or no.

Friday, 12 February 2010

Muffins, bagels and kegs of glory...

Today definitely had the makings of an unbearable day – let’s face it, so many of them do – but it actually only took one muffin and the news about Mandy to shut him up. (Which seems to me to be a clear case of that whole post hoc, ergo propter hoc thing, but anyway.)

It's a shame, because I’d like to see him ford a river or have a go at slaying a serpent one of these days. Most likely his technique would be to yell for me, look away while I do it, then claim the credit. Hrmph.

I had fun drawing up the most complicated way of saying “I’m your boss.” I think someone is feeling threatened.

He makes me smile.

Days like this help me get things back in perspective. It’s not a crush after all. Just a soft spot for an eligible wannabe hero, that comes and goes and will surely be gone forever soon enough. I just need to draw up a few more of those ridiculous charts.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Amazing what a clean shirt can do...

Well, that’s a relief.

Josh keeps his job – I keep mine – everyone’s happy. Well, kinda happy. Seemed to me there was a lot of stress going round the West Wing today. More than usual, I mean.

It is, I’ll grant you, just about possible that some of the stress I was sensing was my own. Getting Josh to change shirts... wow. I should get a pay rise. A big one. (Long overdue, I might add.)

Truth is he looks pretty hot in any shirt, but hey.

I’m not about to let a stupid crush on my slightly arrogant boss get in the way of doing my job brilliantly. Already it’s lasted a lot longer than most crushes, so it’s bound to be over soon, right?