Saturday, 27 March 2010

20 Hours in LA

David Hasselhoff!

And, Matt Perry!!

I met Matt Perry!! Who knew politics would be so glamorous?

And so nice to look at?

(He wouldn't tell me if Ross and Rachel get together in the end, though. No fun. I mean, come on guys, all that unresolved sexual tension is all very well - but we viewers can get frustrated you know!)

You want to know the really annoying thing, though? Maybe it was the champagne. It was almost definitely the champagne. And the sleep deprivation.

But Matt Perry kind of kept reminding me of Josh.

Seriously, if you squint, and you turn your head sideways. Try it.

I wonder if Joey Lucas has noticed that. Probably not, or she'd respond better to the rose gathering...

Feeling guilty that I made him go see her. I hope he's okay.


  1. Ha ha love this one. Six and a half series Donna, six and a half!!!

  2. I love this whole thing. Just what us West Wing tragics need to keep us smiling in the absence of the real thing!

  3. I was just wondering when you were planning on uploading another story, either to here or to More (unofficial) West Wing. It's just I love reading them and you haven't updated since March. Please don't think I'm rushing you. I just wanted to let you know that I love reading them and can't wait to read more.

  4. Hi Amy, thanks for the comment - that's so lovely of you! Yes, I've been slack. I'm so sorry! In my defence, I've been working on a novel, so that's taken up a lot of my writing time, but will do my best to satisfy the fans! It's so nice to be so appreciated. Hopefully I should have more of Donna's diary up this month...

  5. Amy, you inspired me - I've put one up at

  6. Yay! I'm off to read now. Thank you :D

  7. Hi Amy, don't know if you're still reading my stuff, but if so I've got one new diary entry and a couple of fics at for you :)
