Friday, 6 November 2009

No Exit... well, I'm going to find one!

I couldn’t face him. I couldn’t look at him.
I had to get out of there, clear my head, get some air.
I wish I could say she was wrong.

But man, are they right when they say it’s the truth that hurts most of all – though admittedly it could have been delivered slightly more kindly. More gently. And maybe a few years ago.

It felt like something she had been trying not to say for so long, that just came rushing out when I pressed the wrong buttons. And I don't know why I did that. Well, I do - self-defence. I was hurting. But that was badly calculated. It just led to more truth, and therefore more hurt.

I like CJ, I love her even, I respect her, in so many ways I want to be like her. So hearing that from her...

But I do wish she’d been kinder about it. Maybe coffee and chocolate to soften the blow, you know.

But she’s right. Of course she’s right.

And you know what? She’s right too that I need to sort myself out. It’s been long enough. My heart and my life have belonged to him for long enough.

It’s time for some new adventures.
Right after I sort out my running mascara...

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